Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31, 2011

Yesterday was a travel day. We are heading to Nashville, Tennessee to spend New Year's Eve with our good friends, Micki and Michelle. Last night we camped in Marion, Virginia, at Hungry Mother State Park. It was our first night sleeping in our new motorhome. I did fine; Bill not so much. He is not a fan of the air mattress. Next time we will try the bed over the cab.

Last night's entertainment was watching a DVD I had made of a VCR tape that was recorded in Montana in 1992. Watching Ben at 5, and Claire at 6 was fun and emotional. They were so adorable (and still are, BTW). Anyway, having a flat screen TV and a DVD player is real luxury while camping!

We have another 7 hour trip today before arriving in Nashville. Satellite radio and my wireless Internet connection sure makes the traveling more enjoyable.

I hope you all have a safe New Year's Eve!