Sunday, February 23, 2014


Home again! We left Florida Friday morning, spent the night in Fayetteville, NC, and then arrived  in Street, Maryland last evening. Instead of waking up to a view of palm trees and flowers, we are looking out at snow and many, many downed pine branches.

We connected with more friends and family during our last week in Florida. Our son-in-law's extended family vacations each February in West Palm Beach, so we joined them at their beautiful Marriott timeshare. What a great group of people!!

Up the coast we went to Orange Park, Florida where my best friend from high school lives. I have seen Barbara Marsteller Robinson only a handful of times since we graduated from North Harford High, but we being with her again was just like old times. It was great catching up with her and her husband, and we appreciated their kind hospitality!

It's always good to be home after being away for so long...47 days in this case...but we are really happy we spent January and most of February in the Florida warmth. And...spring is only a month away!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Good Life

We left Marathon today and are slowly working our way north. Tonight and tomorrow we will stay on Long Key again. Last night was the first time in quite a while that we could turn off the air conditioning. It’s quite breezy here today, and around 70 degrees, as opposed to the 80’s we have been experiencing. Bill just left to see the moon come up, and he put on (GASP!) a jacket. He's still sporting shorts, though:)

We are certainly enjoying the local seafood in the Keys. A popular fish here is hogfish, which I don’t believe I’ve tried until this trip. I had a tasty hogfish sandwich at the aptly named, Hogfish Bar and Grill. Right across the street from our campground outside of Key West was a fish market, so each day we walked there to buy some fresh seafood.

Bill isn’t much a fan of fish, but he did enjoy the fish tacos I made and we really enjoyed the shrimp and linguini I fixed for another dinner.

There’s not too much to do where we are right now, so we’ll continue to take walks, read, and I will do some more work on my genealogy research. I bought some steaks today, so Bill can cook them on the grill for our Valentine’s Day dinner. Life is good.
Our neighbor sent us some great pictures of our yard and house after the storm. With the amount of snow Harford County received, it looks like some of it will still be there when we return in 9 days!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Just Hangin'

The main reason we are where we are in January/February is the weather. It's nice to see the sights and Florida attractions, but we are very satisfied to sit around and do what we'd do at, cook, walk, and generally hang out...just not in frigid temperatures. The warmest spot to be right now is Key West, so we have been camped right outside of town for the last seven days. Some days it was too hot to walk during the day, so we'd take evening strolls. We've only driven into Key West three times so far (it's a bit too far to walk).

The first trip in was to pick up our mail that our wonderful neighbor, Karen, packed up and mailed to us. The second time we did some shopping...OK, I did some shopping, and Bill read a magazine outside of the stores. Later that evening we had dinner with Jim and Patty Bertier, who used to live in Harford County, but now reside in Key West.

Today we took our third trip in and had a great time. We toured the Audubon House, which is a misnomer, because John James Audubon never lived there, in fact he may have never visited there. He did visit Key West in 1832, though, and spotted and drew 22 new birds for his "Birds of America" folio. The house we toured belonged to a sea captain, and when the home was scheduled to be demolished so a gas station could be built, a wealthy family succeeded in buying and restoring it. For some strange reason, the benefactors decided to pay homage to Audubon, and many of his first edition prints, are showcased in the house. All the furniture and household items were from the 1800's, and I enjoyed seeing the antique quilts.

 I particularly liked the baby quilt. The blue pottery piece is a "baby feeder".

We also toured the lighthouse museum and walked to the top of the lighthouse (no longer in the water) where we had a great view of the town. Here's a view from one of the can see the cruise ships in the distance.
Speaking of cruise ships, we walked past two as we walked along the shoreline.
There is a restaurant every few feet in Key West, and we took a chance and had lunch at Old Town Mexican Cafe. We are very glad we did...delicious!

I'm sorry about the weather our friends and family from Maryland and points North are experiencing...really, I am! This is the view I woke up to as I sipped my coffee in shorts and flip flops:

And now, it's cocktails for the sunset...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


According to yesterday's USA Today, "Frost, ice, sleet, or snow have never been reported in Key West." Lucky us...we will spend the next week in Key West, where today's forecast is Sunny, High 79, Low 74. Sorry about all the ice and snow affecting our friends and family in Maryland and points North! Come on down!

We've spent the last two days in Marathon, which is about an hour north of Key West. Our motorhome is parked right up against a narrow waterway, where we saw two manatees swimming.

Our gracious neighbors from Georgia, invited us to watch the Super Bowl with them and two other couples. They have a 42' motorhome, with a nice size TV that can be viewed from the outside. What a fun night it was!
One of the things we like about Knight's Key RV Resort, is its proximity to the Sunset Grille. It's a short walk away, and much of it is either outside or open to the outside. Here's a picture I took from my seat.
Our home for the next seven days will be Boyd's Key West Campground. There's lots to do in Key West...there's even a fabric store...yeah!...and as I mentioned, the weather will be FABULOUS!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Still Having Fun!

One of the things I love about Facebook, is how it reconnects you with people from your past. Awhile ago I became Facebook "friends" with Sydney Lemieux, a gal who roomed next door to me in college. I haven't seen her in about 40 years...until a few days ago!

Syd is the assistant supervisor at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, in St. Petersburg, Florida, and she graciously gave us a personal tour of the area. The preserve encompasses five ecosystems, and has six miles of trails and boardwalks. It runs frequent nature programs and classes, and they were preparing for the weekend's program on birds of raptor. A visiting condor captured our attention; in Bill's words, a condor is "the coolest bird ever!".

It was so great seeing Syd again after all these years. We didn't have much time to reminisce, but our 60-year-old minds did manage to bring up some fun memories.

After leaving St. Petersburg, we started to make our way down to the Keys. We drove through the Everglades, and even though it was rainy, we walked a favorite path called Shark Valley. We spotted a few alligators (they were keeping warm submerged in the water) and many birds. Here's a picture of one of my favorites, the Great Blue Heron.

Yesterday we made it to the Keys, opting to stay at Fiesta Key RV Resort on Long Key. Some of the motorhomes camped here are humongous!! The resort is on the water and there's an area where many campers gather to see the sunset each evening. It was a bit cloudy last night...

Yesterday it was sunny and in the 80's here. The forecast for the next 5 days...sunny and 80 degrees. Yes, we are still having fun!!