Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Good Life

We left Marathon today and are slowly working our way north. Tonight and tomorrow we will stay on Long Key again. Last night was the first time in quite a while that we could turn off the air conditioning. It’s quite breezy here today, and around 70 degrees, as opposed to the 80’s we have been experiencing. Bill just left to see the moon come up, and he put on (GASP!) a jacket. He's still sporting shorts, though:)

We are certainly enjoying the local seafood in the Keys. A popular fish here is hogfish, which I don’t believe I’ve tried until this trip. I had a tasty hogfish sandwich at the aptly named, Hogfish Bar and Grill. Right across the street from our campground outside of Key West was a fish market, so each day we walked there to buy some fresh seafood.

Bill isn’t much a fan of fish, but he did enjoy the fish tacos I made and we really enjoyed the shrimp and linguini I fixed for another dinner.

There’s not too much to do where we are right now, so we’ll continue to take walks, read, and I will do some more work on my genealogy research. I bought some steaks today, so Bill can cook them on the grill for our Valentine’s Day dinner. Life is good.
Our neighbor sent us some great pictures of our yard and house after the storm. With the amount of snow Harford County received, it looks like some of it will still be there when we return in 9 days!

1 comment:

  1. You have certainly been cooking some great meals. I wish you a safe trip home. I'm meeting Emily for tea this morning. We're not walking since the wind chill is 7 degrees.

